Brilliant Learning

Mark Holliday: School absences

We’ve been talking a lot to schools and health professionals recently about pupil absence due to illness and medical conditions. This features prominently in the Department for Education’s (DfE’s) statutory guidance on Working Together to Improve School Attendance. 

Illness is the largest reason for pupil absence year-on-year both in Wandsworth and nationally. Fortunately, Wandsworth usually has lower rates of absence due to illness than the rest of the country. However, pupil absence due to medical appointments taken during school time appears to be on the rise. Here, it is important parents consider making appointments before or after school for their child, where possible, and if this isn’t possible, that children return to school as soon as possible after the appointment during school time so they can resume their learning.

When it comes to immunisations, Wandsworth has a low take up of MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) immunisations, which means children may not be well enough to attend school when suffering the effects of these contagious infections if they haven’t received their vaccinations.

In some cases, schools may ask for medical evidence for a child’s absence. However, the guidance advises that this should only be needed in a minority of cases and is not to be routinely requested from parents.

However, there are a few important reasons why medial evidence will prove useful to schools, for example: 

  • Where a pupil’s health need means they need reasonable adjustments.
  • If the illness or medical condition is complex or long term, and medical evidence will help schools better understand the needs of the pupil and to arrange suitable educational provision, where appropriate. 
  • If a school needs clarification to accurately record absence in the attendance register, especially now there are new additional register codes schools need to consider.
  • Or when a school has genuine and reasonable doubt about the authenticity of the illness.

It is our advice to ensure school procedures are clearly set out in the school attendance policy, and we’ve produced a content guide to help schools review their policy in line with the new expectations set out in the guidance. 

The DfE has also produced a helpful video available about how to set an effective school attendance policy on YouTube here: School Attendance Guidance Training Webinar – Setting an effective school attendance policy

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Empowering Professionals

Diana Suter: How to Maintain Your Mental Health in Winter

The sun is setting earlier, the weather is getting colder, wetter, and windier. There are more coughs and sneezes with the threat of (ever-present) viruses. All this tends to mean we may spend more time indoors. These winter months can take a toll on your physical and mental wellbeing. You may find yourself feeling more irritable, having low energy, or even struggling to do day to day routines. 

Maintaining your mental health through these winter months is important in supporting your overall health and sense of wellbeing. The following tips can help you beat the winter blues and manage those negative feelings:

  1. Get outside and exercise.
  2. Keep up healthy eating and sleep habits.
  3. Have a support system and stay connected.
  4. Meditate and be mindful.
  5. Adopt some CBT practices.

Taking care of your mental health is a year-round practice. The winter doesn’t mean you have to be stuck indoors, and it certainly doesn’t mean you can’t do the things you enjoyed in the warmer months. While you may need to be a little more creative, you can certainly still connect with others, enjoy outside activities, and get that social interaction we all need to stay mentally healthy and happy. With these practices and healthy habits, it’s possible to see the sunnier side of winter.  

Empowering Professionals

Diana Suter: Be Sun Safe

As the sun is shining and your school’s summer vacation is coming soon, take steps to invest in your health and wellbeing. 

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK, and the number of people diagnosed with the condition has risen steeply since the 1970s. Finding skin cancer early saves lives. Prevention of sunburn reduces the risk of cancer.

Enjoy your vacation

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Intelligent Operations

Carina Banks: Going Greener with Food Waste in Wandsworth Schools

The Waste and Resources Action Programme, a global non-government organisation who work to give the planet a sustainable future and tackle the climate crisis, have estimated that in the UK, food waste is estimated to be just under 10 million metric tons a year, with upwards of 65% of food waste coming directly from domestic households, and the rest from the retail industry, manufacturing and food and hospitality services. Most of this waste ends up in landfill, releasing thousands of tons of methane into the atmosphere when it degrades, contributing significantly to global warming and the destruction of the ozone layer.

A WRAP study conducted in 2011 was published which discussed food waste in the education sector. Approximately 80,000 tons of food was found to have been wasted across both primary and secondary schools; a figure that made up 13% of the UK’s total non-household food waste – a shocking amount from our schools alone.

While WRAP looks for global solutions, the UK Government have been trying to manage the issue of food waste on a national level, and with the introduction of the Environment Act 2021, have given the education sector requirements to manage their resources efficiently while they look to enforce food waste collections.

Here in Wandsworth, teachers have been working hard to educate our primary school children on the concepts of recycling and composting, to encourage a cleaner, greener present and future.

At Ronald Ross Primary School, various raw vegetable peelings and eggshells from the school kitchen are being collected by the children from the School Council or the school’s ‘Green Team’. There is a compost bin rota, with all year groups being given an allocated day on the rota to collect the peelings, which will then be deposited in the compost bin, composted, and then used on-site on the rooftop terrace helping the strawberries to taste delicious and of course they could be considered organically grown. There is a community noticeboard that is brimming with ideas on how to be green at Ronald Ross, so pupils, teachers and visitors alike can be inspired!

St Anselms Catholic Primary School in Tooting have also been reassessing their food waste disposal. Both raw and cooked waste is being collected during the dinner service into compostable bags and deposited into green domestic waste bins which are collected by the councils recycling team . The school is taking part in the council’s trial for the recycling of food waste. Staff at St Anselms also have their own food waste bin in the staff room – hopefully only a very small percentage of this waste is avoidable because the teachers have led by example and eaten up all of their lunch!

Since WRAP introduced their ‘Love Food, Hate Waste’ Campaign in 2007, 1 in 3 people now recognise the ‘Love Food, Hate Waste’ brand and 76% of those people have done something differently to manage food in their home. We need to significantly change our approach to food management in schools too, and we can do this by informing staff and pupils about the impact of food waste on the environment both nationally and globally, making sure stock isn’t ordered excessively and that students are being served food proportionally to their needs and appetites.

With the average UK household discarding about 4lbs of food waste a day, the equivalent of 100 bowling balls annually will you join the fight against food waste if you haven’t already? Go on, have that last apple. Our future starts now.

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Empowering Professionals

What people are saying about Wandsworth Professional Development Centre 

Built in 2012, Wandsworth Professional Development Centre (WPDC) is a fresh, smart, environment for professional learning in Wandsworth. The purpose-built centre combines contemporary architecture with flexible room spaces, making it the smart choice for professional development events and meetings. The operations team assist with every event, offering support to trainers and welcoming all visitors. 

Lizzie Haynes 

Mediator and Trainer 
LH Mediation 

Why WPDC? 

We do a lot of work with Richmond and Wandsworth council. The council asked Wandsworth Mediation Service if they’d deliver work on reducing parental conflict to the teams who deal with parents and children. 

What was it like? 

It’s a very calm, modern space. We used the Putney room for nine training courses. It has all the technical stuff you need – multi-media projector, laptops and large projection screens, plus flip charts and pens. For a trainer, you can simply attach your computer and start your PowerPoint slides. The rooms are spacious with great windows and a fantastic views of trees. Staff are accommodating to any of your needs or any questions. Break out spaces in the lounge are lovely with a desk to plug in your own computer to do work pre or post course. It’s very congenial – we ordered in tea, biscuits and filtered coffee. There’s also a water dispenser. 

Michele Beute 

Mediator and Trainer 
LH Mediation 

Why WPDC? 

Wandsworth Professional Development Centre was booked by the council who use it for various forms of training. 

What was it like? 

I was unfamiliar with their IT set up – something as simple as switching from one laptop to another – but the staff calmly step in to show you what to do. I’ve worked in places where you have flip-over tables and you see trainees distracted, dropping things on floor, but here there are larger tables. In training you have different room set-ups and at WPDC they are willing to facilitate any design: that makes life incredibly easy. As a trainer you don’t go in and fret because they ask you beforehand (with a needs analysis) about how many flip charts you need and where you want tables and chairs… Lorna’s the face of the centre, but all the WPDC staff were so keen to meet the needs of both trainers and participants. 

Mark Holliday 

Deputy Head of Education 
Inclusion and Participation 
Wandsworth Children’s Services 

Why WPDC? 

I use it for more important training/CPD-type meetings, and also for events, because the building is so well-maintained, contemporary, clean and tidy, and the front of house staff are amazingly helpful and friendly. The options for layout of the room and the flexibility is really helpful. Before a meeting, or event, the rooms are always well laid out, and there’s always someone to help you with the IT if you need support setting up a presentation. When holding important meetings and events you need that reassurance. 

What was it like? 

It is tucked away, which makes it a nice, serene environment which lends itself well to learning, being based on a school site. It’s not so far from Earlsfield train station, and bus routes run directly past. In terms of how meetings run – strategically – what is of huge benefit is that it is uncluttered and contemporary. A physical space that allows for thinking space. 

To find out more about Wandsworth Professional Development Centre.

Intelligent Operations

Murat Boyayanlar – Meeting your FM PPM & statutory compliance requirements.

PPM maintenance is to manage and extend the lifecycle of equipment but is also a compliance requirement to satisfy statutory and legal obligations. The work is scheduled in advance and can range from weekly to annually depending on equipment and risk.

Failure to deliver compliance can also result in service delivery failures, which whilst not as severe as legal failures, it can impact on the operation of your facilities, your core business and reputational damage.

What is PPM? 

Planned preventative maintenance (PPM) is maintenance that is regularly and routinely performed on physical assets to reduce the chances of equipment failure and unplanned equipment downtime. 

Why is preventive maintenance important to your school?

Preventive maintenance is important because it keeps equipment and assets running efficiently, and it maintains a high safety level, helps to avoid potential large and costly repairs, as well as service downtime.

A properly functioning preventive maintenance program ensures operational disruptions are kept to a minimum.

Specific examples of preventive maintenance include checking that your HVAC, heating, ventilation or air conditioning systems are inspected, cleaned, and repaired and your water hygiene, and electrical systems are functioning properly within safety and compliance levels.

What can Facilities Management offer to your school?

Facilities Management (FM) offer services through our contractors that can deliver a planned maintenance function across your school portfolio.

Some examples of PPM services available through FM are listed below:

  • Boiler servicing
  • Lift servicing & repairs 
  • Electrical Fixed Wire Testing
  • Legionella Risk Assessments
  • Water Hygiene inspections
  • Flushing of infrequent used Water
  • Water Temp. monitoring
  • Fire Detection & alarm servicing 
  • Fire Extinguisher servicing 
  • PAT Testing services
  • Commercial Kitchen equipment servicing
  • Air Con Servicing

FM are now offering services for your Planned Maintenance 2024/2025 Compliance requirements.  To order and buy into this service, you can order or request a quote, before the end of March 2024, via Wandsworth | Services for Schools.

Please note:

If your school chooses not to use the Council service, then you are still required to upload your certification documents to the Councils’ Concerto CAFM system.

If you require a login / training to use Concerto, then please contact:

Alison Harding: 


Richard Dade:

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Brilliant Learning

Wandsworth expands use of technology in the classroom, with support from Apple

Autumn seemed to arrive very quickly this year and schools have swiftly got back in the rhythm of the new academic year.

Over the break Wandsworth City Learning Centre (CLC) were enthusiastically engaging with Apple’s Community Education Initiative (CEI) about the successful outcomes of the integration of iPad in two Battersea Primary schools – Sacred Heart and St Mary’s. With the support of CEI, the schools are tackling under-achievement through teaching digital skills to students and teachers, and have had a positive impact on skills and confidence.

The highly successful pilot technology programme has now been extended to reach additional schools this academic year. Each school will receive iPads with Apple Pencils and a storage cart, as well as engineer time to set up the new devices. These resources will help ensure that pupils and teachers can master the knowledge and understanding to become digital creatives and coders, and provide them with the skills needed to work in the technology industry.

Wandsworth City Learning Centre and Apple Distinguished Educators have been busily creating digital content and resources to support the schools throughout and beyond the programme. The team are preparing easy to use lesson plans and collaborative tasks to help teachers deliver their computing curriculum using iPad. Additionally, CLC tutors will be trained to deliver lessons and academic mentoring for staff and students.

Reaching beyond the classroom, the programme will also offer essential digital skills classes for adults and families to ensure the broader community has access to, and recognises the need and benefit of digital skills. These directed sessions can lead to volunteering and work experience opportunities in the technology field.

In September, Apple CEO Tim Cook, along with Apple’s Vice President of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives Lisa Jackson, visited St Marys and spoke with the staff and students whilst they were enjoying a morning of coding with Apples Swift Playgrounds application. The fantastic morning of programming allowed the enthusiastic learners to show-off their coding skills. The students displayed their knowledge and excitement of the use of technology through some challenging questions to Mr.Cook, who was clearly impressed by their enjoyment and fascination of the digital world, stating that he was, “Looking forward to seeing them and their fantastic ideas come to life with Apple!”

With the ending of a truly memorable experience, the positive message was that there was more opportunity and more partnerships emerging from this relationship. The success of this fantastic programme will be felt for many seasons to come, and will allow more schools and our wider community to celebrate the fruitfulness of technology in the classroom and in our Borough.

Tim kneels down next to a student who shows him her work on iPad.
Tim kneels down next to a student who shows him her work on iPad.

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Empowering Professionals

Empowering Professionals

From reliable recruitment initiatives to top-up training for teachers, our experts have a deep understanding of how schools operate and are as friendly as they are flexible in approach. We are as adept at advising on the latest governance process and protocols, as we are supporting key staff members at work after illness. 

Understanding the pressures for school employees often go much wider than the day-to-day of school life, our Occupational Health Service has been working hard to make people aware of their financial advice. All school subscribers of the Employee Assistance Programme can talk to an expert in relation to money worries and debt advice. The online portal can also direct you to ‘Ask Bill’ for free and impartial help, advice and tips on how to reduce your energy bills, manage your money and deal with debt issues, as well as support for tackling these problems in emergency situations.

Our Human Resources Service has been listening to your feedback and finding ways to improve their provision. In September 2023 they launched an updated landing page for their service making it more user-friendly.

Governor Services have been prioritising wellbeing, encouraging all school chairs to ensure a robust wellbeing policy is in place in light of OFSTED’s new education inspection framework.

HR are always supportive and helpful, and are able to assist with most problems (or signpost elsewhere). Our clerk is very efficient and helpful, and has supported our governance well.

Headteacher, Wandsworth

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Intelligent Operations

Investing in Futures

To date, six new positions have been created in the team through apprenticeships – with plans to expand further in 2024. Apprenticeships not only provide thorough on-job training, they also diversify the team creating new opportunities for local residents to develop specialised skills that schools rely upon. 

Wandsworth Lifelong Learning cater for over 8,000 learners each year across some 650 courses. In addition to apprenticeships, they also offer accredited and non-accredited courses specifically focused on growing careers and supporting people in team leading and management positions. 

Courses include:

  • Effective delegation in the workplace
  • Leadership and Management
  • Introduction to coaching / effective mentoring
  • Problem solving and managing change
  • Introduction project management
  • First time manager or supervisor
  • Managing problems effectively in the workplace


One of our key priorities is to continue to increase the number, quality, and access to apprenticeships for local people and employers. Apprenticeships provide a fantastic opportunity for those already in employment to develop further skills and for those that are new to the labour market, offering opportunities in several sector areas. 

Councillor Kate Stock, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Wandsworth Council
Brilliant Learning

Embrace Difference

Too often the service hears that schools are tied up with time consuming web searches and hours spent hunting for resources. Much more than a subscription, what schools say they benefit from the most is the access to a librarian’s mind. 

The benefit of a librarian run service is their ability to navigate over 120,000 items available. From picture books that challenge gender stereotypes to Asian characters in children’s fiction, a librarian’s mind will help pupils explore our world from new perspectives. And it’s much more than books – the service provides schools with artifacts which allow pupils to explore topics like history hands on.


“It’s really important to belong to a service like the Wandsworth Learning Resources Service because class books are so expensive now. We really believe every child should be reading from their own copy. The librarians will send me a selection. I’ll take what I like and send the rest back. That’s really important, and it’s so easy. All you need to know is what you want to teach and ask their advice, and they’ll send it out to you. Every item comes with some notes on it, so you’re not left fumbling thinking, “What is that?” Every item comes with some background knowledge, so it’s really easy for everyone to use. 

As a professional, there’s no doubt that having the Learning Resources Service available to us is a great help. With our teaching hours already absolutely at the limit, we are not having to scurry around trying to find artifacts and books and class sets, which our budget wouldn’t necessarily allow us to do.

Jane Bunn, Literacy Lead, Ronal Ross Primary School

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