Intelligent Operations

Smart Money, Smart Working: Intelligent Operations

Budgetary constraints means realising efficiencies in less obvious areas.

In pursuing leaner operations and more efficient processes, time is an often overlooked factor to consider when looking at cost savings. 

As time invariably equates to money spent, you may look at reducing the school’s administrative burden through outsourcing, or engage with specialist educational expertise that adds value to your offer; or ensures your have the right plan in place to protect your position.

Operational drains on a school’s finances are not always obvious, which is why it is imperative to partner with a resource that can help you objectively view the complete picture.

Magnetic Marketing 

Increasing pupil numbers is a crucial strategy for expanding budget allocation. The more pupils your school attracts, the larger your budget. 

In marketing terms, this revolves around creating more awareness of your school’s unique offer. After pinpointing how your learning experience differs from other schools, you can then align your strengths, values and approach with the criteria parents and pupils are looking for. 

This service is a new partnership between Smart School Services and West Creative – marketing and communication experts, with a proven track record of helping local and national education sector partners.

  • A tailored response based on your school’s unique marketing needs
  • Working alongside schools to create actionable marketing plans with an accompanying suite of deliverables
  • Full suite of integrated creative services available – digital and print expertise

Mitigating Risk / Insurance 

Catering equipment is one of the big ticket items that can burn a whole in your school’s budget, especially if equipment breaks down before a planned upgrade. 

Smart School’s Catering Service offers comprehensive equipment hire insurance to ensure school’s minimise the cost of repairs or replacements – with no limit on how many times a school can make a claim. 

Given the cost of a condemned combi oven is anything up to £10,000 to replace, this service is definitely a smart money investment.

Cut Your Losses

Unfortunately, the true cost of equipment does not always become apparent until after its purchase.

While a paper shredder may seem a relatively inexpensive purchase, the valuable time it takes to operate, unblock and ensure the waste is disposed of safely quickly adds up.

Smart School’s Confidential Shredding Service will not only take over these time-wasting tasks, it also removes the risk of fines from a data breach by providing a certificate of destruction.

On the Money Outsourcing 

Payroll comes with a unique set of complexities and demands that goes much further than reconciling the monthly payment cycle. 

From compliant practice to improved accuracy, outsourcing your end-to-end requirements often makes more fiscal sense. 

Using Smart School’s Payroll Service allows schools to benefit from dedicated, accountable expertise while saving on the cost of employing and retaining staff.

Plan. Respond. Recover. 

Smart School’s Emergency Planning Team offer schools a comprehensive risk assessment that identifies all potential emergency threats and hazards that could potentially impact the school. 

Ultimately, the business continuity plan keeps your school running during and after an incident, reducing costs as well as the duration of any disruption.

Protect Your Provision 

Smart School’s Heath and Safety Service focuses on sharing knowledge to reduce financial liabilities through fines and prosecution. 

The service provides a cost-effective way for schools to ensure they have access to expert Health and Safety advice and support, including health and safety inspections, audits and training. 

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Head to Head

If we have piqued your interest in Smart School Services, why not meet with our head team to see how we can work together. To arrange your Head to Head, or for any other enquiry, simply fill in the contact form and we’ll be in touch shortly.