Intelligent Operations

Smarter Buying

There has never been a time in recent memory where so many critical decisions around school operations have had to be made with such short notice. 

Now is the time to take stock and breathe. But it is also the time to evaluate and embrace new, smarter ways of doing things.

That begins with designing intelligent operations that seamlessly handle systems, management and contracts – creating genuine partnerships between schools and outstanding suppliers, while freeing school leaders to spend more time focusing on school life.

Smarter Buying

In procuring a wide range of goods and services in often complex marketplaces, schools can face higher costs than they need to, spending money which could be better spent on providing high quality teaching and achieving better educational outcomes for their pupils. We need to help schools overcome these procurement challenges. 

The rising costs of materials, resource shortages and driver shortfalls hindering the supply chain are just some of the macro issues presently affecting non-staff expenditure. Schools do not typically have specialist procurement skills available in-house. This can make efficiency savings to help manage these ongoing financial pressures, while continuing to improve standards for their pupils, difficult for schools. 

In the future, we need to think differently about the way we approach procurement. Supporting schools to look locally, developing a sharing economy across school network or creating strong relationships directly with suppliers can realise tangible cost savings. From catering services to site cleaning, schools need to re-evalute the way in which they contract suppliers to ensure they are getting the smartest value for money. 

PAYG Procurement Advice

Procurement of key services is not an everyday task, which is why Smart School’s Central Procurement Team offer their services on a per day basis. Advice, support and guidance during the planning, implementation and awarding stages from professionally qualified individuals ensures your procurement process is more robust. The procurement team can also help with the on-going management of procurement activities.


Zero Carbon 

Reviewing which suppliers schools contract is one of the services provided by Smart School’s Facilities Management team, and is one of many ways they are helping schools reduce their carbon footprint – an increasing priority at both a local and national policy level. The team are also helping schools to prepare funding applications for de-carbonisation projects and to carry out energy audits.


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Intelligent Operations

A Head for Business

There has never been a time in recent memory where so many critical decisions around school operations have had to be made with such short notice. 

Now is the time to take stock and breathe. But it is also the time to evaluate and embrace new, smarter ways of doing things.

That begins with designing intelligent operations that seamlessly handle systems, management and contracts – creating genuine partnerships between schools and outstanding suppliers, while freeing school leaders to spend more time focusing on school life.

A Head for Business 

How do you manage a school through a pandemic? The extra burden of responsibility and risk that comes with Covid: making decisions about safety; bereavements; weekly new school policy announcements from the government; e-learning; providing support, reassurance and answers to staff, students and parents. Now add to that, the usual tasks associated with running a school. 

Headteachers have been under an enormous amount of pressure. Reacting to an acute problem has meant that portions of their structured planning and spend have had to be reassigned to ‘fight fires’. In some instances, this has led to a budget deficit with the unpleasant choices and cuts that inevitably come with it. 

The need for business model innovation is increasingly evident as expenditure comes under increased pressure. Effectively addressing the financial management needed to meet the needs of facilities, payroll, health and safety and emergency planning is key to each school’s future financial health. There is a growing recognition that education is not just a public service, it’s a business. If we get it right, schools can alleviate pressure on key staff while still providing the best possible education. And that makes sound business sense.

Tailored Reports for Governors

Smart School’s Financial Management Service brings the expertise of financial advisers into the heart of every school. One of top requested elements of their service is producing financial reports for governors tailored to their needs. It’s a time efficient service that is able to crunch data and present it in a format that answers the questions governors are asking, allowing Senior Management to focus on the narrative.


Business Continuity Plan

The pandemic has brought the role of Smart School’s Emergency Planning Service into the spotlight, highlighting how the decisions we make to mitigate impacts are increasingly reviewed and critiqued. Combined with Smart School’s Health & Safety service, a Business Continuity Plan mitigates risks identified and gives Senior Management confidence in their ability to respond to an incident in a formal, planned and tested way. More than complying with regulatory standards, a well-developed plan builds trust with parents and governors. 


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If we have piqued your interest in Smart School Services, why not meet with our head team to see how we can work together. To arrange your Head to Head, or for any other enquiry, simply fill in the contact form and we’ll be in touch shortly.
Intelligent Operations

Digital Acceleration

There has never been a time in recent memory where so many critical decisions around school operations have had to be made with such short notice. 

Now is the time to take stock and breathe. But it is also the time to evaluate and embrace new, smarter ways of doing things.

That begins with designing intelligent operations that seamlessly handle systems, management and contracts – creating genuine partnerships between schools and outstanding suppliers, while freeing school leaders to spend more time focusing on school life.

Digital Acceleration

The pandemic accelerated digital transformation across the education sector. Enforced remote learning had a profound impact on pupils, teachers and schools, with the significant increase of e-learning, with teaching undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. 

While there is certainly no substitute for a great teacher, technology can be an effective tool to help reduce workload, increase efficiencies, engage students and communities, and provide tools to support excellent teaching and raise student attainment. 

As we strive to realise a tech-enabled future where the learning experience is enhanced for all, there are key issues that need to be addressed. A technology action plan needs to be put in place – ensuring teaching staff are given the correct support and training, the systems built are secure from attack, cost-effective cloud resources are implemented effectively and the best-in-class hardware and software is procured. 

Technology gives us the opportunity to reshape the way we teach, monitor, budget and assess all of our activities. But it is crucial that the actions we implement are far-reaching, sustainable and safe.


Secure technical infrastructure is an absolute must for schools with rising attacks increasingly targeting educational establishments. Smart School’s IT Service offers a Vulnerability Assessment for schools, linked in with the Data Protection Officer service, to help schools protect themselves against attacks. The team also work with schools to plan IT infrastructure, physical and online, as well as major updates like Windows OS to ensure it is safe and suitable for each individual school.


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If we have piqued your interest in Smart School Services, why not meet with our head team to see how we can work together. To arrange your Head to Head, or for any other enquiry, simply fill in the contact form and we’ll be in touch shortly.
Intelligent Operations

Sarah Dennis: Sharing health and safety information with your team

Making staff aware of health and safety issues can be a chore. Many people can’t spare the time to read safety information in their normal busy day and spare time can be scarce. There are many essential pieces of information which staff must know to work safely to protect themselves, colleagues and pupils.

Placing posters – safety posters can be an excellent tool for emphasizing key safety messages. Placement is vital. Most staff do not have time to stand around, but short messages can be displayed in key places of high traffic areas like bathrooms, breakrooms and near entrances or exit to staff areas. 

  • Simple graphics and short text information placed behind a toilet door allows staff to see the information when they are less distracted. 
  • Another unique way to attract attention is to place all or part of a poster upside down as it may intrigue staff to stop and read the information. Remember to rotate and move information so it doesn’t fade into the background.

Staff briefings – it can be helpful to include a key safety message in regular team meetings or email communications and memos.

Induction – Health and Safety Induction is essential for each employee and it is important that staff have access to information to remind them of the health and safety requirements in the workplace. Providing a health and safety booklet or links to health and safety policies online, will mean your staff can review the information again and again.

Celebrate safety – there are many documented national and international safety and health awareness dates which could be recognised by your teams and pupils throughout the year, to keep health and safety at the forefront of minds. Some examples below;

  • World Safety and Health Day – 28th April 2022
  • Sun Awareness Week – 6th-13th May 2022
  • National Mental Health – 13th-20th May 2022
  • World Mental Health Day – 10th October 2022
  • Back Care Awareness Week – 5th-9th October 2022
  • National Stress Awareness Day – 4th November 2021

Risk Assessment

What is risk assessment?

Risk assessment is the process of evaluating risks to employees’ health and safety from workplace hazards. It is a systematic examination of all aspects of work that considers:

  • what could cause injury or harm;
  • whether the hazards could be eliminated and, if not;
  • what preventive or protective measures are, or should be, in place to control the risks.

Who should carry out risk assessments?

Anyone can carry out risk assessments if they have the knowledge to do so. It is often beneficial to attend a training session to ensure the risk assessment is being carried out correctly and that the risk rating is appropriate. 

How should risk assessment be carried out?

There are 5 steps to a risk assessment:

  1. Identify the hazards
  2. Decide who could be harmed and how
  3. Evaluate the risk and existing control measures
  4. Record findings
  5. Review

You should walk around the area you are risk assessing and speak to those in the area to help gain a clear picture of the hazards that may be present. 

What should I risk assess?

There should be a risk assessment in place for:

  • All general site areas e.g.
    • Corridors
    • Classrooms
    • Offices
    • Playground
    • School Hall
  • Site activities e.g.
    • School trips (see policy for additional information)
    • Premises officer duties
    • Working at height
    • Manual handling
    • Lone Working
  • Specific e.g.
    • Hazardous Substances (COSHH)
    • Workstation Assessment (DSE)
    • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)
    • Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment (LOLER)
    • Stress
    • New/Expectant Mothers
    • Fire (Often carried out by H&S team)

When should a risk assessment be reviewed?

All risk assessments should be reviewed on an annual basis, or following any major changes, e.g.

  • where a significant change has been made to the building or process;
    • where there is reason to believe that the risk assessment is no longer valid;
    • following an investigation of an accident; and
    • where required as a result of an inspection or audit.

Are there resources available to help?

Yes, the Council has a Risk Assessment policy that can be found on Services for Schools that provides detailed information and offers examples. Templates can also be found under the H&S pages for subscribed schools.

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Intelligent Operations

Ali Malvern: Assessing risk and emergency response

Our response to Covid-19 has taught us a lot about what is needed when assessing risk and planning emergency response. I certainly wouldn’t have expected any incident to result in 18 months of response, with recovery to follow! This pandemic has brought attention to the Emergency Planning profession and highlights how the decisions we make to mitigate impacts are increasingly reviewed and critiqued. As such, we’re always looking to learn and improve the way we do things. 

Setting up Covid testing sites across the boroughs saw us arranging deliveries and cleaning of portaloos, and while not something I’d ever expected to spend so long working on (and hope not to again!) it does remind me how wide-ranging a day at work can be and the importance of being prepared for whatever gets thrown our way. The experience we’ve all had since March 2020 will inform many changes, and schools particularly have an important role to play in both protecting children when an incident occurs, as much as educating them in the importance of emergencies and being resilient. 

I think there’s an easy emphasis placed on the impact of disasters, rather than the easy and small steps we can all take to best prepare ourselves. 

Smart School Services

Emergency Planning is keen to support schools in developing and exercising their business continuity and emergency incident capabilities. 

If you would like to know more about our Emergency Planning services, please book a meeting with us to discuss your needs.

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Intelligent Operations

Murat Boyayanlar: Challenge of Facilities Management during the pandemic

The Covid 19 lockdown forced the closure of most of our property portfolio, reducing the need for all but essential maintenance across our sites. We had to adapt our service as lockdown progressed so our FM teams and contractors were tasked with making our core sites covid secure, whilst striving to maintain our pre planned maintenance schedules. Supporting the urgent need within the community for Covid19 testing, we set up Covid LFT test centres, and supported mobile testing units at Wandsworth, by providing the staff to run the sites.

As we are now beginning to open up and get back to some form of normality, we are faced with new challenges ahead.

The construction leadership council has recently warned that cement, some electrical components, timber, steel, and paints are all in short supply, citing “unprecedented levels of demand” that are set to continue “for the foreseeable future”. The present material supply problems stem from several factors, the most notable being that construction industry projects have surged since lockdown began easing, leading to high demand for materials. 

Furthermore, with demand increasing across the globe and the UK importing many of its raw materials, not only is demand outstripping supply but prices of materials are also rising. The ONS is projecting a rise in material prices, with certain materials, such as timber, expected to more than double during the year.

Smart School Services

Facilities Management Services advise that schools plan for the short, medium, and long term.

This is where our primary focus is on ensuring compliance and not profit making, as we strive to ensure best value. We are dedicated to supporting the schools manage their Reactive, Planned, Preventative, & Remedial Maintenance works.

Sustainability, reducing energy consumption, and becoming net zero carbon by 2030, is at the forefront of the Councils agenda. We can assist schools by offering advice and information about energy management and sustainable options to reduce carbon emissions. 

We have planned major projects towards achieving net zero carbon in our operational buildings, and we are carrying out energy audits in schools. Our team can also help with funding applications for de-carbonisation projects.

If you would like to know more about our FM Services, please book a Head to Head meeting.

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If we have piqued your interest in Smart School Services, why not meet with our head team to see how we can work together. To arrange your Head to Head, or for any other enquiry, simply fill in the contact form and we’ll be in touch shortly.
Intelligent Operations

Daren Marsh: Harnessing technology post-lockdown

With students and teachers back in the classroom the temptation may be to go back to how our classrooms were before the pandemic. However, the lockdowns, bubbles and online learning has left a legacy and a very real opportunity to move our classes and teaching forward and harness all the technology that has flooded our school communities over the last year. Schools have found that they have more devices than ever before. The DfE, Wandsworth Local Authority, Power to Connect and private donations have increased the number of connected devices in our schools and our learners’ homes. With this influx of technology comes the need to review and assess the infrastructure we have in our schools, to maximise the benefit of these additional devices and the increased traffic on our wireless networks. The following points should be explored by schools to ensure that they are confident and appropriately supported to be able to sustain the exciting technology and computing boom.

Keeping Connected

Your learners have eagerly come back to the classroom and have developed a whole new set of skills. Distance learning has allowed students to access more resources, more frequently from more places. This thirst for online research and independent study can be channelled through effective teaching, but like any organisation, schools are only as good as the tools they have to teach with. The increased use of streamed video clips is one example of additional pressure and stress on your wireless network. Wandsworth Schools ICT Support can visit your school, assess the infrastructure is appropriate for the increased number of devices and the increased amount of use on your network.

One to One Devices

With the increased number of devices returning to classrooms some schools have decided that certain groups are to be taught 1 to 1 with a device per pupil. Having hundreds of eager learners all surfing and researching in one place at once puts an enormous strain on the school’s wireless network. As a school you know which classrooms and which pupils are likely to receive the devices – but have you checked the strength and capability of the connection in these specific areas? The Wandsworth Schools ICT Support team is available to visit and test your school’s wireless access points to ensure the signal strength is capable of supporting the new fantastic hardware in all areas of your school and not leaving children and staff frustrated where devices cannot get online.

Collaborative Learning

With your new connected devices learners will be working together more – sharing ideas, presenting demonstrations and collaborating on documents. These social platforms will allow teachers to be creative in the classroom and with assessments, allowing students to relay back their ideas regardless of where they are in the school. For this exciting new way of learning to succeed and for your school to grasp the potential of children studying together with devices they intuitively understand, your school must have a robust, reliable and secure wireless network. Wandsworth Schools ICT Support can provide an extensive health check on your existing network. You will receive a comprehensive report detailing how and where improvements can be made to ensure your learners and staff can enjoy the full benefit of a fit for purpose wireless network.

Wireless Service

The Wandsworth Schools ICT Support team offer a fully managed Wireless Support Service.  From the initial survey, we will report on the current health of your existing network, make recommendations on improvements that can be made and where to invest your money to ensure that you have the best possible wireless network to meet your specific requirements.  We are able to offer a complete school wireless network refresh, helping you through the procurement process by obtaining quotations to guarantee high quality wireless hardware that is appropriate for your schools at excellent prices.  As a Local Authority team we are able to undercut our competitors and we have high quality expertise in the design, implementation and support of wireless networks.  Our dedicated team of ICT professionals are at the ready to ensure that any wireless issues you experience are covered and for complete peace of mind, we will help, advise and support you through every step of the process.

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Intelligent Operations

Diana Stovell: Intro to Occupational Health

Most of us have experienced challenges during the Covid pandemic in relation to many issues including anxiety about the virus itself, missing social interactions with family and friends, feelings of isolation and the impact on how we work.

For some individuals their mental health has deteriorated during the last year due to Covid, so it’s important to not only recognise this in yourself and others and to consider what actions can be taken to improve mental wellbeing.

The MIND charity has done some amazing work, particularly over this year in relation to support and advise during the pandemic. Their webpage ‘Coping with mental health during Coronavirus’ gives great tips which we can all take on board in relation to improving our mental health including talking to people you trust, thinking about your routine,  thinking about your physical health, making a care box and much more. Why don’t you take a read and consider what small changes you could make in your life to support your health and wellbeing during the pandemic and beyond.

Also maintained school have 6 months free access to the Employee Assistance Programme, paid for from central Children’s Services Directorate.

Smart School Services

Occupational Health is committed to supporting staff in relation to their health and wellbeing. Our staff have a wealth of experience and knowledge in all aspects of health and the effect on work so we’re here to advice on how best to support an individual who may be experiencing difficulties.

If you would like to know more about our Health and Wellbeing services or the Employee Assistance Programme, please book a Head to Head meeting.

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If we have piqued your interest in Smart School Services, why not meet with our head team to see how we can work together. To arrange your Head to Head, or for any other enquiry, simply fill in the contact form and we’ll be in touch shortly.