Intelligent Operations

Digital Acceleration

Smart processes and procedures that make school life run smoother.

There has never been a time in recent memory where so many critical decisions around school operations have had to be made with such short notice. 

Now is the time to take stock and breathe. But it is also the time to evaluate and embrace new, smarter ways of doing things.

That begins with designing intelligent operations that seamlessly handle systems, management and contracts – creating genuine partnerships between schools and outstanding suppliers, while freeing school leaders to spend more time focusing on school life.

Digital Acceleration

The pandemic accelerated digital transformation across the education sector. Enforced remote learning had a profound impact on pupils, teachers and schools, with the significant increase of e-learning, with teaching undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. 

While there is certainly no substitute for a great teacher, technology can be an effective tool to help reduce workload, increase efficiencies, engage students and communities, and provide tools to support excellent teaching and raise student attainment. 

As we strive to realise a tech-enabled future where the learning experience is enhanced for all, there are key issues that need to be addressed. A technology action plan needs to be put in place – ensuring teaching staff are given the correct support and training, the systems built are secure from attack, cost-effective cloud resources are implemented effectively and the best-in-class hardware and software is procured. 

Technology gives us the opportunity to reshape the way we teach, monitor, budget and assess all of our activities. But it is crucial that the actions we implement are far-reaching, sustainable and safe.


Secure technical infrastructure is an absolute must for schools with rising attacks increasingly targeting educational establishments. Smart School’s IT Service offers a Vulnerability Assessment for schools, linked in with the Data Protection Officer service, to help schools protect themselves against attacks. The team also work with schools to plan IT infrastructure, physical and online, as well as major updates like Windows OS to ensure it is safe and suitable for each individual school.


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Head to Head

If we have piqued your interest in Smart School Services, why not meet with our head team to see how we can work together. To arrange your Head to Head, or for any other enquiry, simply fill in the contact form and we’ll be in touch shortly.